About Velvet Hills
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The Velvet Hills Show Chorus is always looking for energetic, enthusiastic, vocally talented women who are interested in being the best singers they can possibly be.

You don't have to read music to join us! That's because we have some of the best coaches in the world right here in our chorus to help you become skilled at the music. We'll learn it together in a variety of methods. Then, throughout the year, we bring in the top talent from around the world to expertly steer us towards achieving our highest musical and performing goals.

The Velvet Hills Show Chorus has open rehearsals and welcomes guests at any time.  Call us at (719) 630-2525 or email us at info@velvethills.org to reserve your spot on the risers today!

We're easy to find...just around the corner from the Community for Spiritual Living near Academy and Jeannine Drive:

3675 B Jeannine Drive - Click here for a map. To get to our rehearsal room: Park in the lot on the west side of the building, which is on the south side of Jeannine Drive, just west of North Academy Boulevard. Enter the west entrance doors of the building.